1. Download AnDOSid.apk
5. Enter the URL of a target website in the "Target URL" field. For example,http://facebook.com
6. Edit the payload size. The Default size is 1024 bytes ≈ 1Kb. If you want to increase the stress, you have to increase the payload size.
7. The third box determines the number of milliseconds between each hits. Default value is 1000 milliseconds = 1 second. If you want to decrease or increase the time between each hit, edit the value according to your needs.
8. Tap on the "Go" button to initiate DoS attack/stress testing. Whenever you want to stop hitting, tap on the "Stop" button.
6. Edit the payload size. The Default size is 1024 bytes ≈ 1Kb. If you want to increase the stress, you have to increase the payload size.
7. The third box determines the number of milliseconds between each hits. Default value is 1000 milliseconds = 1 second. If you want to decrease or increase the time between each hit, edit the value according to your needs.
8. Tap on the "Go" button to initiate DoS attack/stress testing. Whenever you want to stop hitting, tap on the "Stop" button.